Nikad ne odustaj!
Direktor i student u isto vreme? Moguće je! Sa par drugova sam pokrenuo sopstveni posao i uporedo završavam fakultet.
Ne mogu da kažem da je sve bilo lako. Mnogo puta ne ide sve kako je planirano, ali stalnim radom se sve to prevazilazi. Nije sramota doživeti neuspeh i nije bitno šta će drugi reći na to, bitno je samo nastaviti dalje.
Uspeh će kad tad doći sugurno, samo treba istrajati.
Lazar Vučić je student Ekonomskog fakulteta, ali ujedno i direktor zadruge preko koje su mnogi mladi ljudi zaradili svoj prvi novac.
Uklapanje posla i fakulteta je bio veliki izazov za njega u startu, bilo je dosta prepreka, ali je istrajao u tome. U međuvremenu sa svojom nevladinom organizacijom radi na projektima koji se tiču mladih ljudi i njihovog daljeg usavršavanja.
Svima savetuje da rade na sebi i konstantno pokušavaju da dođu do svog zacrtanog cilja i da nije sramota doživeti neuspeh ako i dalje nastave da pokušavaju, već je sramota ne pokušati ništa.
Ima strast ka putovanjima i većinu svog slobodnog vremena provodi putujući, ali i pored toga nikad nije razmišljao o tome da napusti svoj rodni grad, kao mnogi njegovi vršnjaci koji to vide kao jedini put ka uspehu.
Director and student at the same time? It’s possible! With a couple of friends I started a private business and I am going to a faculty as well.
I can’t say it was all that easy. Many times things don’t go as you planed, but that can be exceeded with continued effort. It’s not shame to fail sometimes and it doesn’t matter what others would say on that, it’s only matter that you go on.
Success will eventually come, you only need to be persistent.
Lazar Vucic is a student on faculty of economy, but at the same time a director of a cooperative with which help a lot of young people earned their first cash. Matching faculty and business was a real challenge for him at the beginning, there were a lot of obstacles, but he kept going on. In the meantime with his NGO he works on projects regarding young people and their further specialization. He advices everybody to work on themselves and to constantly try to reach their goal and that it’s not a shame to experience failure if they move on but instead, it’s a shame not to try anything at all.
He has a passion for traveling and most of his free time is spent traveling, but still never thought of leaving his hometown, as well as many of his peers who see it as the only path to success
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